Sunday, December 6, 2009

God Is so good!!

"How great is our God? Sing with me, How great is our God"? This song has Been Going through my head since I have been home from the hospital. I am still over whelmed by how I have seen God move in the past few months. First of all I have the best family, friends and church in the world. I have The best pastor who stuck by me through this whole thing, He's really been Our rock and his family is da bomb, I'm not sure how I would have made it with out them. (he secretly wishes I'd stop saying that). I can't for get My Mom who rarely left my side and Family that came just to give her a break!!

I have so many cards that my two closet doors are covered in them. I have so many people praying for me and calling me and visiting me from church and my family. I even had two of my sisters in Christ that called and came over just to lay hands on me and pray for me. I have seen where my God had this all mapped out before I was ever even sent to the ER. I had in the first Hospital nurses that where Christians and such encouragement to me. These nurses spent hours at a time with me just talking, I found out that one was the same denomination as my family and Even know a friend of mine that I worked with.

Also I was told that I would have to have a Picc Line put in which is a really big IV and I was so nerves that one of thoughs nurses promised me she would come hold my had while it was being placed and sure enough she did, what a blessing that was to me. Even that IV is a blessing, Because of the meds I'm on I have to have blood drawn twice a week but with the line in they don't have to stick me, I'm a hard one to stick.

This now is April Months later and I am fully recovered and back at work and church. Oh how my God has amazed me. I still to this day have thoughs cards up too!! Even now as I go though other things I can say God is blessing me daily with people I don't even know coming my way to help me. I AM BLESSED, I AM BLESSED, EVERY DAY THAT I LIVE I AM BLESSED!!!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Listen to your Body!!

Hi Guys I'm back, I have been very sick for the past almost year and that's why I've not blogged but I'm back with a vengeance. This Blog is about my adventure as a Disabled person with a Pressure sore and a warning to everyone disabled or not to listen to your body, I'm glad I did because it probably saved my life.

Ok I'll start from the beginning, I Had surgery in September,08 and had not felt the same till now. I had tiredness and just was not me but that was it so I just thought I was anemic so I went for blood work and found out I was not (so they said). I just kept getting worse and in June of "08" I got a pressure sore. I went the DR, and got meds for it and it healed up. Ok fast forward to June "09". I got the pressure sore again in the same spot and still was feeling really rotten with no reason as to why. This time I was told it was fine and was not given meds. I went though my summer faking it the best I could till the end of July. It got worse this time. I went to the DR, and was given meds but by this time it was too late, I spent most of the summer sick and in September 09 it hit me like a tone of bricks. I could barely make it to work or church, every move was a struggle. Then in Oct. 09, I was given the worst possible news, you could see bone. I went to my surgeon only to get another "Oh it looks great your fine. It was that night that my life was changed. I was admitted and told the infection was in the hip bone. I spent ten days in the Hospital, two really because I had to be transferred from one to the other to have surgery to have that bone removed. I am currently at home on IV meds....strong ones to get rid of the infection.

Morale of my story......Listen to your body and don't let people tell you there is nothing wrong with you when you know there is!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Life is not a bed of roses

Today I am in a typical young Women life's not fair mood!! I have thoughs days sometimes. I have a pressure sore at the most inconvenient time in my life when everything else us going good or at least ok this thing pops up. The worst part is the only thing a Dr. can tell me to me do is stay off of it(yeah like that's gonna happen....sheesh). What people don't get is even though I'm disabled I have a life and a full busy one at that, I don't just sit around or lay around doin nothin all day if I did I would start to loose interest in life and eventually give up on it. Ok I'm finishing this up a few weeks later, yeah weeks and the sore is worse. In an attempt to make me feel better a friend who works with severely disabled children told me to sit on a bean bag, at first I thought she meant a little bean bag like you play toss with but after I stopped laughing she said no a bean bag chair, sounds crazy but just might work! Well here we are a month in to this thing and nurses have been brought in and a surgeon seen as well as I've pretty much been put on bed rest and I've been told that it will take six months to get this thing healed and that I'm actually "Lucky" its not worse!!! So ya now I'm at that "my life is over" over reaction point that I think so many come to at a time like this. I have been told I'll be ok and life will resume to normal in a while but for now my perfectly normal life has come to a screeching Holt. I and my family both have been very irritated because on top of all. I go though with these things we now find out that my doctor has not even been aware that I have been trying to get meds for a week and just now got them. I am now having to get use to an air mattress on my bed and air cushion on my wheel chair (FUN). I Just wish this "thing" would heal so life could be normal again. well that's enough for one blog hope the next one is happier.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Its a mind thing!

I am doing Today's blog to really help people understand how I think. Here we go! when I am in my chair and my hands are to the side I am standing, When I'm in my chair and my hands are in my lap I'm sitting. When I'm with a group of people who are standing so am I and if they are sitting well then so am I. I have heard it said She just wheeled her chair here and there or whatever Under no circumstances have I ever "wheeled" in to a room or "Wheeled" up to anyone before, yeah to every one else that's what it looks like but I'm just walking or standing like anyone else but I do it differently. I'm in the Choir and this is where it gets fun, if you see me wiggling its just me tapping my foot to the beat of the music. If you see me lift my upper body up a little it is the same as you doing a calf lift. If you see me turn and lift my body in a circular motion is like stepping one leg over the other the putting them together!! This is the hardest blog Ive ever done cause I really have to think about what my motions are!! It just comes natural to me. "ITS A MIND THING"

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

My new chair is here.....FINALLY!!!!!!

Hey guys yeah you heard me right it is finally here and I love my new chair. If you have been keeping up with my blog you know that I ordered this chair in September and I am just now getting it. I love the color, orange Guess why, Any guesses? Give up? To match my Harley-Davidson theme of course.

I am so glad that I have a chair that is not falling apart. The brakes and tires work great and the belt is intact which sounds minor but to me is a big big deal . I am sitting up a little taller in this chair so that will take some getting use to and the handle bars are Higher so every one loves that it will be easier to push I just wonder how it will be to lift up steps and transfer to my grandmas high bed in i guess we shall see.

Monday, April 13, 2009

I'm in the choir Yall !!!

(Member of Voices of Praise where : "Its not about us its all about him")
Well folks I'm in my church choir and I love it!I joined about a month or so ago after over two years of not singing at all, you see I was in the choir at my former church and in school but when I graduated that all fell apart. I only have one complaint I am vocally so out of shape and often can feel it after a really strong song. (hallelujah any how)

Let me just tell you the men of the choir and church have really stepped up to the plate they just lift me up them stairs like its nothin of course as in everything my pastor is the master mind behind that operation and I am never at a loss for help I always know I have someone that will help me when I need it.

And the ladies in the choir are just the best, I always have three each Sunday ready to help me put my choir robe on when I get to the choir room/fellowship hall and at the end take it off, even on my weak days they are so patient and understanding.

Sometimes life with me can be tricky but they all are learning how to handle me.

I love my church family and God is really blessing and moving in our services and in our practices in a miraculous way.Praise God for his many blessings!!!!

As our pastor would say "be blessed now".

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I Stand on my head and yes I have a bed!

Hey Peeps sorry it has taken me so long to post again.
Today I am talking about how I get dressed and how I sleep. I can't name the times I have been asked "Do you sleep in your chair?" My answer is NO I don't, I have a bed and blankets and a room that all of that is in. Below is a picture of me in my bed.

I also get asked how I get dressed and when I tell people i stand on my head their eyes bug out and I get the oh so funny " your kidding right?" or "No way" and I laugh and say "yep sure do". I have to be honest this idea came out of anger and frustration after camp counselors ( camp Easter Seals) tried to teach me how to get dressed by turning from side to side to pull my pants up, when I got home I tried that and said this is for the birds there's got to be a better way so i flopped over pulled my pants up and was done. So there's that story too, hope you enjoyed.

Well that's all for now I'll be back next week when I have more pictures taken!

Monday, February 9, 2009

finally my new chair is coming

Hi Guys I just got word today that my new Manuel chair will be here in about three weeks. I Have been waiting since September 17th ( that's when I ordered it). My old Manuel chair is literaly falling apart and I'm way over do for this one. This is a lesson well learned, when buying a wheelchair from these company's bug'em, bug'em and then call and bug'em again til you get what you want.

My new chair will be a bit narrower and the front will be different also it will be colored orange to match my motorcycle theme, I will talk more about that later.

On to other things, I'm loving this whole Blog experience. I just put the site on my e-mail and My myspace so that all of my friends can read it and learn a little more about me.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Its catch up time

Hey guys I'm back and I have so much to talk about. First off I just want to stress How important it is to have friends. I was reminded of this fact this past weekend.

I recently started going to a new church in October and I love it as I have said many times before. I was in a predicament. I wanted to go to church and my grandma was sick and she is the one I go with. It is just right down the road from her house and we just walk. I was rather bummed so when I called a friend from work that had been attending the church with me to see how she was doing that Saturday she volunteered to come to my house drive my big dodge van and took me to church, God bless her.

I'm so glad we went, the presence of God was so strong It was AWESOME!!!. I have to tell you my faith is what keeps me going and good friends and family that will pitch in and help me out. I have such a wonderful support team and that is so important. It is my goal to be as "normal" as possible and my friends and family are great for the most part about making me feel that way (sometimes there are slip ups). I can't Wait to see how this weekend goes.
See ya later.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

My shoes don't fit!

Ok so today I'm not even ready to walk out the door yet and I dread putting my shoes on, I have the worst time finding good shoes to fit me cause my feet are so weirdly shaped. I guess I'll end up wearing my boots, but now what about tomorrow? You see the Problem is they Just don't make shoes in regular stores for disabled people and some people have clubbed feet or just really short fat feet like me. The only way too get proper fitting shoes is too order them special and pay an arm and a leg. Well I'll let you know later how that turns out.

(my Boots)

Friday, January 30, 2009

What this is all about

Hi My Name is Sarah and I am a 22yr old female living with Spina Bifida. I want make one thing known right off the bat I may have been diagnosed with it I may have lived with it for this long BUT! Spina Bifida is not my middle name and it does not define me and who I am. I love Doing things that other young people my age do I just have to do somethings a little differently.

This blog I hope will show people that Just because you are disabled does not mean you don't have a life and real feelings and thoughts. I also hope to show people the fun side of my disability. If you wanna know more about Spina Bifida heres a link I think will help.