Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I Stand on my head and yes I have a bed!

Hey Peeps sorry it has taken me so long to post again.
Today I am talking about how I get dressed and how I sleep. I can't name the times I have been asked "Do you sleep in your chair?" My answer is NO I don't, I have a bed and blankets and a room that all of that is in. Below is a picture of me in my bed.

I also get asked how I get dressed and when I tell people i stand on my head their eyes bug out and I get the oh so funny " your kidding right?" or "No way" and I laugh and say "yep sure do". I have to be honest this idea came out of anger and frustration after camp counselors ( camp Easter Seals) tried to teach me how to get dressed by turning from side to side to pull my pants up, when I got home I tried that and said this is for the birds there's got to be a better way so i flopped over pulled my pants up and was done. So there's that story too, hope you enjoyed.

Well that's all for now I'll be back next week when I have more pictures taken!

Monday, February 9, 2009

finally my new chair is coming

Hi Guys I just got word today that my new Manuel chair will be here in about three weeks. I Have been waiting since September 17th ( that's when I ordered it). My old Manuel chair is literaly falling apart and I'm way over do for this one. This is a lesson well learned, when buying a wheelchair from these company's bug'em, bug'em and then call and bug'em again til you get what you want.

My new chair will be a bit narrower and the front will be different also it will be colored orange to match my motorcycle theme, I will talk more about that later.

On to other things, I'm loving this whole Blog experience. I just put the site on my e-mail and My myspace so that all of my friends can read it and learn a little more about me.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Its catch up time

Hey guys I'm back and I have so much to talk about. First off I just want to stress How important it is to have friends. I was reminded of this fact this past weekend.

I recently started going to a new church in October and I love it as I have said many times before. I was in a predicament. I wanted to go to church and my grandma was sick and she is the one I go with. It is just right down the road from her house and we just walk. I was rather bummed so when I called a friend from work that had been attending the church with me to see how she was doing that Saturday she volunteered to come to my house drive my big dodge van and took me to church, God bless her.

I'm so glad we went, the presence of God was so strong It was AWESOME!!!. I have to tell you my faith is what keeps me going and good friends and family that will pitch in and help me out. I have such a wonderful support team and that is so important. It is my goal to be as "normal" as possible and my friends and family are great for the most part about making me feel that way (sometimes there are slip ups). I can't Wait to see how this weekend goes.
See ya later.