Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Rosacea is the pits!!!

No really! I have had what I thought was acne (scars =pits) for years leaving my face and body looking a hot mess.
  Well Mom was DX with Rosacea with other symptoms and as we did research it looks like thats what I have too and NOT acne.

   The more we read the more symptoms I recognized. I get really flush in the face and hot and people think I'm blushing. Nope just a flare up!

I also have what is called "cherry nose". My nose gets really read and the rest of my face stays normal without warning. I hate it! people are always asking me if I'm ok when it happens. The last and possible most annoying sign is my hands get really read and hot for no reason with no warning.

We also found out that this annoying condition is hereditary......GEEEEZ thanks mom ;D

 So yeah Rosacea is the pits!!

To find out more about this condition and to see if you may have it you can go to the link below and read up on it http://www.rosacea.org/

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