Wednesday, January 23, 2013

My Healer rescued me

This year on Dec 29th and the early ours of Dec 30th I celebrated one year of being anxiety free. I have suffered with this debilitating disease in some way all of my life. In the last five years it had gotten really bad. Well that night was no different. I had been have little spurts all Christmas break. That night the mega attack hit!! I felt like I was going insane. I decided right then and there I had been through enough. A few years back our youth had done a drama titled "Set Me Free". Every time they would perform this drama I would think "Thats me!!". I had this drama going through my mind the night of my healing. I finally surrendered.....Within myself I screamed "Jesus rescue me!!!". At that moment I fell back on my bed and came too fully. I felt like something had come out of me and I have never been the same since that day.   

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