Tuesday, April 14, 2009

My new chair is here.....FINALLY!!!!!!

Hey guys yeah you heard me right it is finally here and I love my new chair. If you have been keeping up with my blog you know that I ordered this chair in September and I am just now getting it. I love the color, orange Guess why, Any guesses? Give up? To match my Harley-Davidson theme of course.

I am so glad that I have a chair that is not falling apart. The brakes and tires work great and the belt is intact which sounds minor but to me is a big big deal . I am sitting up a little taller in this chair so that will take some getting use to and the handle bars are Higher so every one loves that it will be easier to push I just wonder how it will be to lift up steps and transfer to my grandmas high bed in i guess we shall see.

Monday, April 13, 2009

I'm in the choir Yall !!!

(Member of Voices of Praise where : "Its not about us its all about him")
Well folks I'm in my church choir and I love it!I joined about a month or so ago after over two years of not singing at all, you see I was in the choir at my former church and in school but when I graduated that all fell apart. I only have one complaint I am vocally so out of shape and often can feel it after a really strong song. (hallelujah any how)

Let me just tell you the men of the choir and church have really stepped up to the plate they just lift me up them stairs like its nothin of course as in everything my pastor is the master mind behind that operation and I am never at a loss for help I always know I have someone that will help me when I need it.

And the ladies in the choir are just the best, I always have three each Sunday ready to help me put my choir robe on when I get to the choir room/fellowship hall and at the end take it off, even on my weak days they are so patient and understanding.

Sometimes life with me can be tricky but they all are learning how to handle me.

I love my church family and God is really blessing and moving in our services and in our practices in a miraculous way.Praise God for his many blessings!!!!

As our pastor would say "be blessed now".