Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A God encounter like non-other

On Friday, November 2, 2012 I called in Sick to work. Shortly after that I wrote on FB "Laying my heavy head in Jesus lap rubbing his nail scared hand,He never flinches . A Few hours later I had an experience that was so dynamic....So awesome I cried the rest of the day talking about it and just thinking about it.

    I was laying there and all of a sudden I could feel a lap under my head! I recognized this lap though I had never felt it or seen it before. I was also holding a hand and rubbing this had again I recognized it though I again had never seen it or felt it before. I began too feel the hand more....IT WAS JESUS!!! I felt the nail print though much larger then I expected. I felt his long legs (maybe 6'4 ) under my head and hand. I felt his arm around my right shoulder as I was laying on my left side and he was sitting on my bed on my left. His hands were huge. I felt and saw his long white robe with long flowing sleeves. I layed there and basked in him and his love for me. It got to be too much.... I had to get closer...I wanted to sit in his lap so bad. I sat up a little and wrapped my arms around his waist. I rubbed him and clinched him sobbing "why? why did we do this to you?" Why did we hurt you so bad" I got no answer just love.

    I felt him all day I would sit up then down on and off all day never leaving my bed till now.

    I didn't want to leave him I didn't want to leave that place. I am a changed person I will never ever be the same. I want the world to encounter him Like I did that day.

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