"How great is our God? Sing with me, How great is our God"? This song has Been Going through my head since I have been home from the hospital. I am still over whelmed by how I have seen God move in the past few months. First of all I have the best family, friends and church in the world. I have The best pastor who stuck by me through this whole thing, He's really been Our rock and his family is da bomb, I'm not sure how I would have made it with out them. (he secretly wishes I'd stop saying that). I can't for get My Mom who rarely left my side and Family that came just to give her a break!!
I have so many cards that my two closet doors are covered in them. I have so many people praying for me and calling me and visiting me from church and my family. I even had two of my sisters in Christ that called and came over just to lay hands on me and pray for me. I have seen where my God had this all mapped out before I was ever even sent to the ER. I had in the first Hospital nurses that where Christians and such encouragement to me. These nurses spent hours at a time with me just talking, I found out that one was the same denomination as my family and Even know a friend of mine that I worked with.
Also I was told that I would have to have a Picc Line put in which is a really big IV and I was so nerves that one of thoughs nurses promised me she would come hold my had while it was being placed and sure enough she did, what a blessing that was to me. Even that IV is a blessing, Because of the meds I'm on I have to have blood drawn twice a week but with the line in they don't have to stick me, I'm a hard one to stick.
This now is April Months later and I am fully recovered and back at work and church. Oh how my God has amazed me. I still to this day have thoughs cards up too!! Even now as I go though other things I can say God is blessing me daily with people I don't even know coming my way to help me. I AM BLESSED, I AM BLESSED, EVERY DAY THAT I LIVE I AM BLESSED!!!!
This now is April Months later and I am fully recovered and back at work and church. Oh how my God has amazed me. I still to this day have thoughs cards up too!! Even now as I go though other things I can say God is blessing me daily with people I don't even know coming my way to help me. I AM BLESSED, I AM BLESSED, EVERY DAY THAT I LIVE I AM BLESSED!!!!
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