Saturday, May 16, 2009

Its a mind thing!

I am doing Today's blog to really help people understand how I think. Here we go! when I am in my chair and my hands are to the side I am standing, When I'm in my chair and my hands are in my lap I'm sitting. When I'm with a group of people who are standing so am I and if they are sitting well then so am I. I have heard it said She just wheeled her chair here and there or whatever Under no circumstances have I ever "wheeled" in to a room or "Wheeled" up to anyone before, yeah to every one else that's what it looks like but I'm just walking or standing like anyone else but I do it differently. I'm in the Choir and this is where it gets fun, if you see me wiggling its just me tapping my foot to the beat of the music. If you see me lift my upper body up a little it is the same as you doing a calf lift. If you see me turn and lift my body in a circular motion is like stepping one leg over the other the putting them together!! This is the hardest blog Ive ever done cause I really have to think about what my motions are!! It just comes natural to me. "ITS A MIND THING"