Saturday, January 31, 2009

My shoes don't fit!

Ok so today I'm not even ready to walk out the door yet and I dread putting my shoes on, I have the worst time finding good shoes to fit me cause my feet are so weirdly shaped. I guess I'll end up wearing my boots, but now what about tomorrow? You see the Problem is they Just don't make shoes in regular stores for disabled people and some people have clubbed feet or just really short fat feet like me. The only way too get proper fitting shoes is too order them special and pay an arm and a leg. Well I'll let you know later how that turns out.

(my Boots)

Friday, January 30, 2009

What this is all about

Hi My Name is Sarah and I am a 22yr old female living with Spina Bifida. I want make one thing known right off the bat I may have been diagnosed with it I may have lived with it for this long BUT! Spina Bifida is not my middle name and it does not define me and who I am. I love Doing things that other young people my age do I just have to do somethings a little differently.

This blog I hope will show people that Just because you are disabled does not mean you don't have a life and real feelings and thoughts. I also hope to show people the fun side of my disability. If you wanna know more about Spina Bifida heres a link I think will help.